
In this section we present the different commands implemented in qibocal and how to use them.


qq is the base command in qibocal. It can be launched from the command line using:

qq <runcard> -o <output_folder>

It will run all the calibration routines specified in the <runcard> file and save all results in the <output_folder>. The runcard layout is specified in the this section. If no <output_folder> is specified qq will automatically create a default folder containing the current date and the username.


qq-live is the command dedicated to live-plotting. It can be launched from the command line using:

qq-live <output_folder>

where <output_folder> is the directory where all the measurements are saved after running qq. qq-live will produce specific plots depending on the calibration routines executed. If the qq command is still running qq-live will instead produce a live-plotting.
